FAQs for Artsy Valhalla

Why am I taken to RedBubble/Amazon when I click to purchase an item?

While we own the designs on Artsy Valhalla, our products are printed upon purchasing by RedBubble and Amazon. You will be purchasing the items directly from RedBubble and/or Amazon, but we will receive a percentage of each order. Thank you for your support!

Can I combine shipping for RedBubble and Amazon items?

RedBubble and Amazon are different companies so any orders placed with the two companies would be separate.

How long will it take to receive my order from RedBubble?

Most U.S. orders from RedBubble are delivered within 14 days of purchasing. If you need your item(s) sooner, they offer an Express shipping option. Please click here for more information about RedBubble.

How long will it take to receive my order from Amazon?

If you have Amazon Prime, your order should be delivered within 2 business days, if in the U.S. If you do not have Amazon Prime, please check the specific product page on Amazon for accurate shipping information.

How is my private data handled?

Artsy Valhalla does not store your personal information such as your purchase history. Please refer to RedBubble’s Privacy Policy and Amazon’s Privacy Policy for more information.